miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

Conditional 1 & 2







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31 comentarios:

  1. Hi teacher,

    I saw the video is complete and so interesting that permit to learn clearly and better about this topic, because the explaining is more easy and the quiz you can study and don`t forget the you have learned.
    Doris E. Perez

  2. Carmen Rosa Piramanrique Neira29 de noviembre de 2014, 12:51


    The exercises in blog and the video are an excellent way to differentiate the two types of conditional, because with them you can identify and practice the use of will and would, this use depend of the context in every sentence, the best way to learn a topic is practicing and doing many exercises.

  3. Hi teacher,

    I dislike the video, the man talks very slowly and that is exasperating because the video is extensive, the exercises are good as always, I like this lesson.

    Gina Hernández

  4. hola profe el vídeo y los ejercicios estan muy completos , nos permite identificar y aprender de manera rápida los dos tipos de condicional, es una manera muy didáctica para aplicar lo aprendido.. Gracias EDNA FERNANDA VIZCAYA

  5. Hello teacher. Thanks for the material, these videos are a great tool to practice the conditionals, I would like to have a little explain about it in the class room.

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. Hello Teacher

    I think all the visuals are good to better understand the new issues as they make easier the explanation of a topic. This video seemed to me interesting. thank you very much

  8. for me was a good excercise to practice with the mateial on the blog, and i understand that i have to study so much because there are some things that i confuse. but is a good material. Respect to the video i am accord with Gina, the man speak very slow but is easier to understand.

    thank you for the material.

    Leidy Vargas

  9. Hi teacher, this material es very good ,because we help to find the diference between the first conditional and second conditional. Respecto to the vídeo is very practice and clear.

  10. It's a good stool for learn y for teach! We can understand the diference between the conditional sentences !

    Stefany Sanabria

  11. Ít's an very practical way to learn and put into practice the knowledge acquired in the classroom.
    I would like this type of exercise will work more in class because it's of vital importance in everyday life

  12. Ít's an very practical way to learn and put into practice the knowledge acquired in the classroom.
    I would like this type of exercise will work more in class because it's of vital importance in everyday life-
    Sebastian Gemade

  13. Note that there is no tense for conditional exists in English and Spanish. At the same time, the auxiliary verb "would" is used to form the conditional in English.

    There are four types of conditional sentences and the use of either reflects the probability of action.


    The most interesting in the links is that we can practice, because only this way we can learn, is necessary to understand the topic, and keep those links for the practice in free time and when we forget the topic!!!! Tks....

  15. From: Carlos Andrés Parga Martín

    I Like this kind of exercises and videos because they are very important to understand all the topic in a easier way, I would like to get more of them...

    Thanks alot teacher...

  16. Good afternoon teacher the material published is very complete and us allow understand the an form easy and clear the conditionals, additional with the exercise our practice is better

    Charles Quiroga

  17. I saw the video it was excelent! I practiced the exercise and is a good way for study more! And be sucesfull in mi field!

    Emelina Perdigon

  18. The exercises are very very good and helped me practice the subject, and the video is a great way to reinforce learning.
    Thank you.

    Pilar Aguillón

  19. conditional structure is an interesting topic because it allows us to express ourselves in difficult environments future conduct, is the best way to express dreams. ANA MAIRETH MENDOZA

  20. Video content is very clear as it explains the conditional in its two forms is a more practical means and compression.

    Nora Linares

  21. I think one of the best ways to learn is through conditional videos . It helps us to identify differences and offers another alternative when learning .

  22. Hello teacher

    I consider, that the elements visuals are good for the learning and complement presencial class.In this video i understand some things that maybe no was included the past week.
    This video has been satisfying because i can practice in my house and study for the final exam.


    Best regards,

    Lorelly Lancheros
    International Business

  23. good morning

    Although the video is very slow, step shows the structure of conditionals. As for exercise, it is always good to know that there are websites that can help us with an autonomous learning.

  24. El video es una excelente herramienta para aprender los condicionales, para diferenciarlos y saber en que casos los podemos utilizar, asi mismo los ejercicios en clase nos ayudan a idenficar y aprender el uso de este nuevo tema.

  25. this vídeo is very interesting because in my case i understand a little better this topic, but be very clear explanation on some questions arise always

  26. The video that we share is a good material support, this helps a little to clarify the issue

  27. The topic is very important for understand the structure of conditionals, than you teacher.
    I can study for the final parcial

    Jhon Alexander Mantilla

  28. This video is very interesting, and good material for study by parcial, I like this alternatives for explanation virtual.

  29. The vídeo is ver y good interesting, is importan for exercises because for study un the practical forma parcial.

    Diana Gome Munevar

  30. The video is very interesting for apply in the final exam.. Thanks!
    Yineth Canizales

  31. Hello teacher, for this excelent material, is very nice and perfect for the topic. If you put more I would study.


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